Let the Games Begin

Local Candidates for the March 5th Primary Election

3 mins read
A person wearing a costume

These are the candidates who qualified for the March 5, 2024 Primary Election in the Pasadena area. If a candidate was interviewed by Local News Pasadena, a “Read More” button appears within their listing.

As more information becomes available about a candidate, Local News Pasadena will update their listing.

Pasadena Mayor

Victor Gordo (incumbent)

Pasadena City Council

District 1

Tyron Hampton (incumbent)

Smiling man standing in front of a horse sculpture

Campaign Web site:
City of Pasadena Biography:

District 2

Rick Cole

Felicia Williams (incumbent)

District 3

Justin Jones (incumbent)

Brandon Lamar

District 4

John Doyle

Jonathan Horton

Gene Masuda (incumbent)

District 6

Steve Madison (incumbent)

Pasadena City College Board of Trustees

Area 2

James Aragon

Kevin D. Strotz

A person smiling for the camera

No Campaign Web Site.

Area 4

Tammy Silver (incumbent)

Area 6

Ryan Liu

John Quintanilla

A man wearing a suit and tie

Campaign Web Site:

LA County Board of Supervisors District 5

Konstantine Anthony

Kathryn Barger (incumbent)

Perry Goldberg

A man wearing a suit and tie

Campaign Web Site:

Chris Holden

Marlon Marroquin

LA County District Attorney

Debra Archuleta

Jeff Chemerinsky

A man smiling for the camera

Campaign Web Site:

George Gascón (incumbent)

Jonathan Hatami

A man wearing a suit and tie smiling at the camera

Campaign Web Site:

Nathan Hochman

A man wearing a suit and tie

Campaign Web Site:

Dan Kapelovitz

A man wearing glasses and a suit and tie

Campaign Web Site:

Lloyd “Bobcat” Masson

Campaign Web Site:

John McKinney

A man wearing a suit and tie

Campaign Web Site:

David S. Milton

A man wearing a suit and tie

Campaign Web Site:

Craig J. Mitchell

Michael McKinney wearing a suit and tie

Campaign Web Site:

Maria Ramirez

A woman standing in front of a building

Campaign Web Site:

Eric Siddall

A man sitting on a bench in a park

Campaign Web Site:

California Assembly District 41

John Harabedian

A man wearing a suit and tie

Campaign Web Site:

Jed Leano

Michelle Del Rosario Martinez

A woman smiling for the camera

Campaign Twitter Account:

Phlunté Riddle

California Senate District 25

Elizabeth Wong Ahlers

Sandra Armenta

Teddy Choi

A man wearing a suit and tie smiling at the camera

No Campaign Web Site.

Sasha Renée Pérez

Yvonne Yiu

Campaign Web Site:

United States Representative District 28

Jose Castaneda

No Campaign Web Site.

Judy Chu (incumbent)

A woman standing in front of a mountain

US House of Representatives Web Site:
Campaign Web Site:

William Patterson

April A. Verlato

United States Representative District 30

Francesco Arreaga

Alex Balekian

Josh Bocanegra

Steve A. Dunwoody

Mike Feuer

Laura Friedman

Sal Genovese

Emilio Martinez

Nick Melvoin

Nicholas Melvoin smiling for the camera

Campaign Web Site:

Courtney Simone Najera

Anthony Portantino

G. “Maebe” Pudlo

Jirair Ratevosian

A man wearing a suit and tie smiling at the camera

Campaign Web Site:

Ben Savage

Sepi Shyne

A person holding a sign

Campaign Web Site:

The short URL of this article is: https://localnewspasadena.com/56pf

Phil Hopkins

Phil is the Associate Publisher of Local News Pasadena. He is a 35-year resident of the city. Phil has won several national awards for magazine photography and received multiple Southern California Journalism Awards for news reporting and commentary. His favorite local delicacy is the Combo Grinder at Connal's.
Email: [email protected]

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