Poetically Speaking – Submissions

poetry word cloud - handwriting in a spiral sketchbook with a cup of coffee, art, literature, storytelling and creativity concept

Poetry of the Moment

Local News Pasadena (LNP) “Poetry of the Moment” publishes poems grounded in current news events from the greater Pasadena, California area.
What to Submit

LNP “Poetry of the Moment” is looking for poems

— that are no longer than the equivalent of two typed pages (single spaced, 12-point font).

— that are recognizably grounded in a Pasadena or a greater Pasadena-area news event in terms of themes, topics, and/or imagery.

— that exhibit careful attention to poetic craft.

— that have not been previously published elsewhere, whether in print or online.

LNP “Poetry of the Moment” does not publish poems that exhibit racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or ableism.

LNP “Poetry of the Moment” seeks to respond to submissions within a week of the submission, often sooner. If you provide a working email address, you will receive an automated message that your poem was received.

How to Submit

LNP “Poetry of the Moment” is currently open for submissions.

To be considered for publication, “Poetry of the Moment” submissions must be submitted within 72 hours of the news event the poem addresses.

Submit only one poem that addresses a Pasadena or a greater Pasadena-area news event.

Please use the form below, making sure to complete each item. Copy and paste your poem (no longer than the equivalent of two typed pages, single spaced, 12-point font) into the “Text Area for Poetry.”

Your poem must include a title and, after the poem, a one- to two-sentence prose description of the news event the poem addresses and a brief (between 25 and 75 words) author biography written in the third person.

Make sure your poem is in its final form. Once you submit your poem, revisions are not accepted.

Do not submit any additional poems until you have heard back regarding your initial submission.

PLEASE NOTE: By submitting your poem, you are agreeing to the Limited License statement to be found at the end of the form. Please make sure to read that statement before submitting.

Submission Form




    Poem Title*

    Text Area for Poetry*

    Related News Event*

    Brief Author Biography*

    Limited License*
    By submitting this content you are providing a limited license for LocalNewsPasadena.com to publish it on the Worldwide Web, including on social media and in all online and non-online forms of promotion for Poetically Speaking content. Copyright remains with you, the copyright owner, and you reserve all other rights. You attest that this content is your own creative work and that you are of legal age in your jurisdiction. If you are not of legal age, a parent or guardian may submit the work on your behalf, and you have indicated their name and contact information in the text area above.


    Pasadena-Related Poetry

    Local News Pasadena (LNP) publishes poems grounded in the greater Pasadena, California area.
    What to Submit

    LNP is looking for poems

    — that are no longer than the equivalent of two typed pages (single spaced, 12-point font).

    — that are recognizably grounded in Pasadena or the greater Pasadena area in terms of themes, topics, and/or imagery.

    — that exhibit careful attention to poetic craft.

    — that have not been previously published elsewhere, whether in print or online.

    LNP does not publish poems that exhibit racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or ableism.

    LNP welcomes simultaneous submissions. However, please notify LNP immediately if the poem you submit is selected for publication elsewhere.

    LNP seeks to respond to submissions within a week of the submission, often sooner. If you provide a working email address, you will receive an automated message that your poem was received.

    How to Submit

    Submit only one poem.

    Please use the form below, making sure to complete each item. Copy and paste your poem (no longer than the equivalent of two typed pages, single spaced, 12-point font) into the “Text Area for Poetry.”

    Make sure your poem includes a title and, after the poem, please include a brief (between 25 and 75 words) author biography written in the third person.

    Make sure your poem is in its final form. Once you submit your poem, revisions are not accepted.

    Do not submit any additional poems until you have heard back regarding your initial submission.

    PLEASE NOTE: By submitting your poem, you are agreeing to the Limited License statement to be found at the end of the form. Please make sure to read that statement before submitting.

    Submission Form




      Poem Title*

      Text Area for Poetry*

      Brief Author Biography*

      Limited License*
      By submitting this content you are providing a limited license for LocalNewsPasadena.com to publish it on the Worldwide Web, including on social media and in all online and non-online forms of promotion for Poetically Speaking content. Copyright remains with you, the copyright owner, and you reserve all other rights. You attest that this content is your own creative work and that you are of legal age in your jurisdiction. If you are not of legal age, a parent or guardian may submit the work on your behalf, and you have indicated their name and contact information in the text area above.


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