Unless They’re Marshmallow or Chocolate, Bunnies are Not Giftable

7 mins read
A cat lying on a bed

The Easter season can be a time of bad decision making, including wolfing down a family pack of marshmallow Peeps for breakfast. They’re FAR better dissolved in a splash of vodka.

But a worse temptation is to present a live bunny or duckling or chick as a gift.

Don’t do it. Stick with the Peeps, or a pink hyacinth, or a copy of The Velveteen Rabbit.

Why? Bunnies are the third-most common animal dumped at shelters, even before the last of the jellybeans and Cadburys are gone. Why? Because bunnies are not toys.

Giving a bunny to someone who knows nothing about lagomorphs, just because it’s Easter, is a little like giving someone a live reindeer at Christmas. There could be complications.

We recently caught up with Cat Logsdon, founder of Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue, who loves bunnies and explains the reasons you shouldn’t use them as gifts.

Logsdon says, “I have done rescue all my life. My first rescue was a duck that my father and I rescued when I was five years old. We named him Sammy, and I taught him to swim in my little blow-up pool before releasing him. I have done horse rescue as well, and wildlife. I started Zooh Corner after rescuing two bunnies, including one that was pregnant, and discovered how little is known about proper rabbit care. I kept the babies, educated myself — and started the rescue.”

“We generally only take in elderly and special needs rabbits, and because we are now a sanctuary, they have a home for life with us,” said Logsdon. “Because most of the rabbits are very high care — often requiring treatment, manual bladder voiding, physical therapy, etc., several times throughout the day — and the vet care is exorbitantly expensive, we are more limited in how many rabbits we can care for. We generally have about 40 rabbits in our care, distributed throughout our foster Sanctuary Homes. It is very difficult to find volunteers who are willing and able to put in the time it takes to be a Zooh Corner Sanctuary Family.”

We asked if Zooh Corner needs volunteers to give bunnies care and love. Logsdon responds, “This is not something that works for us. We do not have a facility. The Sanctuary Homes are volunteers’ residences, each 100 percent responsible for the care of their Sanctuary Rabbits.”

“Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue oversees and covers the cost of all medical / veterinary care, as well as supplies as needed,” says Logsdon. “Sanctuary Families cover the costs of feeding, and some generously help cover medical costs.”

Logsdon recommends, “Anyone, adult or child, who wants a rabbit as a pet should put in at least a little volunteer time at a local rescue. We constantly stress that children should not be the main caretakers. It is up to the adults to do this and supervise any child / rabbit interaction.”

“Local rescues are always in need of volunteers and donations, and most are willing to educate families and have them spend time with actual bunnies,” says Logsdon. “In the Pasadena area, I would suggest contacting the BunnyLuv Rabbit Resource Center. They have a facility in North Hollywood.”

And here’s the real-real as described by Cat Logsdon:

Logsdon adds, “We are always looking for donations. Of some goods, but mostly funding. And I am currently looking for someone to go pick up hay for us a couple of times a month, bring it back to the house and get it bagged up. We only do about four bales at a time, but it can be time-consuming a couple of times a month.”

You can reach Cat Logsdon at [email protected].

This column is dedicated to the loving memory of Shadow. RIP, bunny dearest.

The short URL of this article is: https://localnewspasadena.com/g4gi

Victoria Thomas

Victoria has been a journalist since her college years when she wrote for Rolling Stone and CREEM. She is the recipient of a Southern California Journalism Award for feature writing. Victoria describes the view of Mt. Wilson from her front step as “staggering,” and she is a defender of peacocks everywhere.
Email: [email protected]

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