NAACP Confirms Investigation, Lamar Installation on Hold Pending Outcome

Inquiry expected to take one month. Dismissal or hearing to follow.

1 min read
Focused investigator examining case files in folder.
Photo: Adobe

The NAACP National Office confirmed on Tuesday that an investigation into election irregularities by the Brandon Lamar for President campaign will be launched. The complaint was filed by the Pasadena NAACP Branch.


According to correspondence from Ericka Cain of the National Office in Baltimore to the Pasadena Branch, installation of the branch’s president elect “should not take place until the branch is notified of the findings of the investigation.” Cain is the association’s Vice President for Governance, Compliance and Training.

Per the correspondence titled “Notice of Election Controversy, Pasadena Branch” dated December 10th, current Pasadena officers whose terms were to have expired as a result of the election are instructed to continue to function in their previous roles pending the outcome of the inquiry.

If the complaint regarding the Lamar campaign is found to be “frivolous or completely devoid of merit, or that the election result could not have been otherwise even if the allegations alleged are assumed to be true,” the National Office “shall within thirty (30) days, or as soon thereafter as possible” dismiss the complaint and inform all parties that the installation of new officers may proceed.

However, according to the correspondence, should the National Office determine that the charges appear to have merit, “the matter will be referred to the Chairman of the Committee on Membership and Units of the Board of Directors, who will designate a Hearing Panel.”

Local News Pasadena will continue to report updates regarding the investigation as they become available.

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Phil Hopkins

Phil is the Associate Publisher of Local News Pasadena. He is a 35-year resident of the city. Phil has won several national awards for magazine photography and received multiple Southern California Journalism Awards for news reporting and commentary. His favorite local delicacy is the Combo Grinder at Connal's.
Email: [email protected]

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