Pasadena Poetry Wanted

Versifying the City One Poem at a Time.

1 min read
On a wooden table top rests a notebook open to a blank page; a pen rests across the blank page.
Photo: Robert Savino Oventile

Poets, the time has come to sharpen your pencils, boot up your laptops, and text your muses!

The 2024 Local News Pasadena submission window for Pasadena-related poetry will open soon, on November 1st, and then will close on December 31st.

Whether you are new to writing poems or have won a Pulitzer, we would like a chance to consider your Pasadena-themed work for publication.

A sonnet on the Rose Bowl? An ode to the Central Library? Free verse about driving Colorado in reverse?

Starting November 1st, submit your best Pasadena-related work HERE.

To get a sense of what poems we are looking for, peruse the “Poetically Speaking” section.

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Robert Savino Oventile

Robert is Local News Pasadena's Poet Laureate. He is a native of Pasadena and hikes Eaton Canyon regularly. His poetry has appeared in The New Delta Review, Upstairs at Duroc, The Denver Quarterly, ballast, and, among other journals and venues. He is coauthor with Sandy Florian of Sophia Lethe Talks Doxodox Down (Atmosphere, 2021). He has kept the same haircut since 1983.
Email: [email protected]

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